jade dawson

m.sc, r.p.bio
fisheries biologist
stats enthusiast


hi! i'm jade

i'm an early-career fisheries biologist, outdoor enthusiast, and settler on unceded ts'msyen laxyuup in northern british columbia.

my first first-author paper is available here! for the abridged version of my work, please read this blog post by the centre for ecosystem management.

i studied the recovery of heavily smelter-damaged freshwater food webs at laurentian university's living with lakes centre for my master's thesis. my thesis was part of the landscape carbon accumulation through reductions in emissions (l-care) NSERC project and was co-supervised by dr. john gunn and dr. brie edwards.

i have a bachelors of science degree in wildlife biology and conservation from the university of guelph, where i studied the chemical and biological recovery of smelter-damaged lakes in the mccann lab. i also have work experience in fish community assessments, water quality monitoring, and spatial analyses.

i am passionate about social activism, climate education, co-governance, and swinging flies for sea-run trout and char.